Sunday, July 31, 2011

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Celebrating 90 years of the South African Communist Party

On our 90th anniversary - SACP
31 July 2011

Party says two biggest threats to NDR are demagoguery and the liberal

Communist cadres in all fronts and terrains of struggle to build
people's power for socialism: Celebrating 90 years of the South
African Communist Party

Celebrating 90 years of the SACP is most of all a celebration of a
heroic and persistent struggle by South African communists for
national liberation, people's power, socialism and for the
reconstruction of our country from the ravages of colonialism and
apartheid. Ours is a principled and unshakable struggle for a better
South Africa and a better world.

A vanguard party of socialism

Capitalism constitutes the gravest threat to the survival of humanity
and our planet. Whilst the world today produces enough food for
everyone to eat, billions of people go to bed hungry every night. Our
rivers are destroyed, our forests are cut down, the air we breathe
polluted in the drive to increase profits for the few. Factories are
closed, workers are retrenched. There is one simple reason for this,
it is that the minority of the rich are only interested in proftis for
themselves. . Only a more human system, socialism, can harness the
energies of all our people, the human inventions and technology for
the benefit of humanity as a whole.

As we celebrate 90 years of heroic struggle, the SACP can proudly
claim its many unique contributions to the struggle for liberation in
our country. Indeed no history of South Africa can be written without
the role of the SACP. Our Party was founded in 1921, some four years
after the triumph of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia
in 1917.

A party for national liberation

The SACP has, since its foundation, been part of all the major
political developments in the struggle against national oppression. We
were part of heroic workers struggles against capitalism and

We have been on every front and terrain of struggle. We are both a
party of socialism and national liberation. We resolved in 1929 to
form an alliance with the ANC, as the best placed organization to lead
the national liberation movement to which we are also committed. We
evolved in practice dual political membership through a principled
loyalty to both the SACP and all other political and progressive
formations in which we have served, whether the ANC, trade unions or,
of late, our democratic state.

This has confused and often angered and frustrated our enemies and
detractors alike. We have made enormous contributions and sacrifices
in the building of the ANC into what it has become today. At the same
time, the SACP has also learnt a great deal from the ANC, thus
contributing to sharpening our theoretical tools of analysis as well
as grounding our struggle in the realities of South Africa.

There are those, both within and outside our liberation movement, who
are uncomfortable with the presence of a principled and activist
Communist Party within the alliance. Today, the true agenda of many of
those who take this anti- SACP position stands exposed. They want to
plunder the resources of our country, they want to steal from working
class and poor communities, so that they can accumulate for
themselves. Some even claim to substitute for the SACP as the vanguard
of the working class. These are the brazen tenderpreneurs and
capitalist accumulators who steal the language of ordinary people in
order to accumulate for themselves.

Today, just as we did over 80 years ago in 1929, as South African
communists we re-commit ourselves to our Alliance, to strengthen it as
a multi-class movement, uniting all progressive and democratic forces,
all those genuinely committed to struggling for a better life for all.
But to build the multi-class unity of our movement, we need to expose
and flush out all tenderpreneurs from the ranks of our movement. It is
their money politics that lies behind the disruptive factional
politics that distracts us from taking for the struggle for a non-
racial, democratic and united South Africa.

A party with and for a progressive trade union movement

No political party in our country can claim to equal the record of the
SACP in building the progressive trade union movement. From its
inception the Communist Party in South Africa not only threw its
weight behind the progressive struggles of the workers, but also, in
its own right, initiated and built progressive trade unions. We helped
to build the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU) in the
1920s, communists led the mineworkers struggles culminating in the
great mineworkers strike of 1946, communists were in the vanguard of
the formation of SACTU in 1955, and, through our underground
structures, contributed significantly in the formation of COSATU in

Today we still continue to be in the trenches with the progressive
trade union movement in the struggle for a living wage, the closing of
the apartheid wage gap, and for vastly expanding the social wage. That
is why today we are not only calling for a living wage, but for
workers to be able to live closer to their workplaces, to have an
affordable housing subsidy, for their children to enjoy access to
schooling and higher education and skills. In addition we want workers
and the poor to have affordable public transport and for national
health insurance to ensure that all shall have access to health care.

We are also a party committed to building working class power in the
workplace, on the shop-floor. Part of achieving this objective is to
ensure that not only do we democratize the workplace, but also to make
sure that the trade union movement itself is led by the workers
through worker democracy and leadership inside the unions. Trade union
leaders must themselves be subject to worker control and worker
leadership at all times.

Much more critically for the SACP is the necessity to ensure that we
build red trade unions. In our context red trade unions must mean
congress-oriented unions, and a trade union movement that is genuinely
committed to socialism. It also must be a union movement that must
fight against all forms of workerism, liberalism and business
unionism. We must continue to fight against all tendencies in the
trade union movement that seek to position workers against the ANC,
the alliance and the government led by these formations.

In this context, we re-affirm our commitment to deepen and strengthen
our relationship with COSATU. Our relationship with COSATU still
remains the principal socialist axis upon which we seek to consolidate
and deepen the national democratic revolution. Together with COSATU,
we have rolled back the late 1990s drive to privatize state owned
enterprises, the struggle against outsourcing and casualisation of the
working class.

Let us as communists deepen our work with the progressive trade union

A party of mass activism, people's power and political education

We are also a communist party of mass activism, whether in the
struggles of the squatter camps in the 1940s through leaders like Dora
Tamana, to the 1950s Defiance campaigns and the mass offensive against
apartheid, to the post 1973 mass uprisings and the Red October
Campaigns of the post 1994 period.

Through our Red October Campaigns we have won the struggle against the
'willing buyer, willing seller' principle in land reform, won basic
rights for the workers and the poor to have access to financial
services, for the regulation of the credit bureaux and support for a
progressive co-operative movement. These were the achievements mainly
of SACP-led mass activism for radical land reform and the
transformation of the capitalist financial sector.

We have refused to be relegated to being only a party of theory, much
as we have led the theorization and analysis of our national
liberation struggle as a both an important objective in its own right
as well as a terrain of struggle for a socialist South Africa.

Mass activism led by the SACP in particular, and our liberation
movement in general, has been informed by the need to build people's
power from below. We have refused, and still resist, to being drawn
into liberal struggle and notions to build a 'civil society' movement.
These have often been movements of elites directed at weakening the
majoritarian power of the liberation movement.

Instead, the SACP stands for the building of people's power from
below; to build street committees, a progressive civic movement, a co-
operative movement, community policing forums, a shop steward movement
on the shop-floor (including COSATU locals), a truly progressive youth
and women's movement of the workers and the poor, and generally a
people-driven movement representing the aspirations of the ordinary
workers and the poor of our country.

We are for a people's movement and people's power to ensure that
indeed the people shall govern. It is a movement to ensure that it is
not a DA that must govern, it must not be a coalition of elites of
'civil society' that must govern, not liberals and their 'civil
society' tentacles, but the ordinary workers and the poor of our
country, led by the ANC and its allies.

Building people's power through mass struggles from below must also
mean that we must refuse to be reduced to an oppositionist movement to
the ANC and its government, or to become heroes of the media by virtue
of unprincipled criticism of our own movement, its leaders and
government. Taking co-responsibility for our revolution must not mean
subsuming the independence of working class organizations. Just as the
independence of our working class formations must not translate into
oppositionist politics to our own movement.

It is through our principled campaign that this year we boast of a
Party that has 130 000 members. At our unbanning in 1990 the SACP only
had 3000 members, a number it had never exceeded throughout its period
of its existence. Whilst many communist parties declined and even
collapsed after the fall of the Soviet Union (a setback indeed), ours
has continued to grow and earn the respect of millions of the workers
and the poor in our country.

An independent party, but a party of governance

The SACP is a political party of the South African working class. It
therefore cannot only locate itself outside the state, but must also
be inside the state. There is no contradiction for an SACP that, in
the post 1994 period, is located both inside and outside the state.
Instead, this dual and dialectical location can only serve to advance
the building of working class power in all sites of power.

Building an independent SACP and an SACP participating in the state is
the necessary condition for advancing people's power and the socialist
objectives in the current period. It is a necessary condition to
ensure that the people shall govern.

Part of building independent working class power must be to ensure
that the resources in the hands of the workers are controlled by the
workers themselves. For instance, workers' moneys must be under their
control rather than under the unfettered control of bourgeois
financial institutions and banks. Let's build co-operative banks
controlled by workers rather than bourgeois financial institutions.

We are calling for workers power in the financial sector - workers'
pension and provident funds - to be controlled by workers, rather than
allowing workers' monies to be adjuncts to bourgeois financial
institutions. Subjecting workers' financial resources to bourgeois
financial institutions, without a meaningful workers' voice, can only
promote business unionism rather than working class power over the
financial sector!

True to the traditions of our party, that of night schools to educate
workers and train communists, it is of absolute importance that we
deepen political education amongst the working class in particular,
and the poor of our country in general.

The relevance of communist values in the current period

The two biggest threats to our national democratic revolution today
are populist demagoguery (underpinned by tenderpreneurship) and the
anti-majoritarian liberal offensive. Populist demagogues hijack
militant rhetoric in order to conceal their agenda of narrow
capitalist accumulation, which is completely opposed to the interests
of the overwhelming majority of the workers and the poor of our
country. It is this reality that characterizes the close relationship
between demagoguery, narrow capitalist accumulation and corruption

These opportunists also, increasingly, flout the longstanding non-
racial traditions of our movement with a narrow and chauvinistic
Africanism. They don't want to change the underlying system of
apartheid and colonialism, they simply want to expropriate some of the
ill-begotten wealth of white capitalists for themselves.

That is why, today, the SACP continues to be proud of its pioneering
role in building the traditions of non-racialism in South Africa. From
its very outset, the Communist Party pioneered non-racialism - not
just in theory - but shoulder to shoulder in the trenches of struggle.
We called for the unity of the working class and of all progressive
and democratic forces regardless of colour, gender, or ethnicity.

On the other hand, South Africa today is experiencing a conservative,
anti-majority liberal offensive which seek to maliciously use our
institutions of democracy to undermine majority rule and try to
discredit (and challenge or undermine) the ANC alliance led
government. They pose as defenders of our democratic Constitution. But
they pervert and vulgarise our wonderful Constitution, by narrowly
focusing only on those elements of the Constitution that seek (quite
correctly) to check and balance the State.

But they ignore all of the rest of the Bill of Rights and Constitution
which clearly mandate the democratically elected state to carry
forward far-reaching, radical transformation in line with the document
that inspired the Constitution - the Freedom Charter. Such a liberal
offensive seeks to capture all our institutions that support democracy
in order to use these to undermine the will of the people as expressed
through the periodic democratic elections.

Many of these so-called 'civil society' groups are funded by the rich,
both domestically and internationally, to try and subvert the majority
voice of our people, and are worried by the staying power of the ANC
and its allies. In many instances liberation movements do not last a
decade or so in power, yet our Alliance looks strong.

Such funding is normally in the name of promoting democracy, as if
there is no democracy in our country, to strengthen the power of those
who have lost elections, but supported to rule from the grave. We need
to build a popular movement to defend the right of the people to
govern after overwhelmingly supporting our movement.

It is in the light of all the above threats that we need to re-affirm
the relevance of the values that have been espoused by the SACP over
its 90-year existence. These include selfless service to our people
without any expectation of reward. It has consistently meant too
reducing the gap between rich and poor, and being humane and caring.
It also means building the unity of our alliance through concrete
struggles on the ground.

In the current period, the values espoused by the SACP over the last
90 years also mean fighting against all forms of factionalism and
divisive behaviour within our movement. Factionalism today is very
strongly linked to the politics of money and accumulation and an
attempt to capture our alliance organizations for purposes of selfish

The 90 years of communist activism must also mean reclaiming what is
best from the history of our national liberation struggle and
movement. This also means commitment to fighting against all forms of
corruption, irrespective of who is involved. It must also mean that we
wage a consistent struggle so that the supporters of a system of
exploitation and their vanguard, the tenderpreneurs tremble before a
national liberation movement in which communists play their rightful

As we celebrate 90 years of a non-racial SACP, we need to intensify
the struggles for gender equality in society, by ensuring that we
organize and mobilize working class women to be in the forefront of
the struggles against partriarchy.

A communist programme of action to advance and deepen the national
democratic revolution in the current period

Today, on our 90th anniversary, we call upon all communists, working
together with the workers and poor of our country, to deepen mass
mobilization to reduce inequalities and achieve a better life for all.

The SACP will continue to act together with the workers to fight for a
living wage. It is for this reason that the SACP wishes to, once more
express its solidarity with metal, engineering, chemical and
mineworkers in their legitimate struggles for a living wage. South
African communists have been, and will continue to be, in the trenches
with the workers in these sectors to win a living wage for all.

In joining these struggles for a living wage, the SACP will continue
to advance the equally important struggle for an increase in the
social wage, for accessible and affordable public transport, for
affordable housing for the working class, for access to education and
for access to health for all.

Using our voting district based branches, the SACP also calls, and
will struggle, for the building of street committees, community
policing forums, ward committees, school governing bodies, local
health committees and all other organs of people's power. Let us not
wage newspaper-driven, often elite programmes, but people driven
campaigns on the ground!

Celebrating 90 years of the SACP must be about building organs of
people's power to deepen the national democratic revolution as our
most direct route to socialism!

Internationalist solidarity

Since our formation, we have been a party of internationalist working
class solidarity. We re-commit to intensify our solidarity with the
Cuban people and call for the release of the Cuban Five from US jails
and the end of the embargo against Cuba.

We reiterate our solidarity with the Swazi people in their just
struggle for democracy. We call for the unbanning of all political
parties, the release of political prisoners as a pre-requisite to the
democratization in that country. We call upon government not to bail
out Swaziland without a commitment to do away with the Tinkundla

The SACP calls for Morocco to grant the Saharawi people their right to
self-determination, and for Palestinian independence with an end to
the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

The SACP will strengthen its internationalist solidarity work,
especially in the light of very real possibilities that the major
capitalist economies may experience another economic crisis. Let us
strengthen working class and socialist forces to roll back the
capitalist system and prevent the rise of a neo-fascist movement
exploiting the plight of the workers and the poor.

Issued by the SACP, July 31 2011

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